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262 lines
File: DeviceNotify.h
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
Version: Technology: xxx put the technology version here xxx
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __DEVICENOTIFY__
#define __DEVICENOTIFY__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#include <Kernel.h>
#ifndef __NAMEREGISTRY__
#include <NameRegistry.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
File Name: DeviceNotifyPriv.h
The device notification service is used by Copland Kernel band
Low level family expert code to inform high level "consumers" about
hot plugging/un-plugging of devices.
The High level families or code modules running in priviledged mode
can subscribe to the service with the DevNRegisterInterestIn().
LL Family notifies its consumers through the DevNNotifyThatThisChanged().
typedef UInt32 DevNRef;
a connection Reference Num for a particular subscription
a consumer subscription is identified by a unique
DevNSubRef. In order to cancel a consumer registration,
the DevNSubRef must be specified.
a Reference Num for a particular notification
A notification is identified by a unique DevNRef,
since a notification can go through couple of states, and
it needs to be tracked with a unique identifier.
Known & valid Service Category definitions are defined in DFM.h
enum {
kDevNAllServiceCategories = 0xFFFFFFFF /* an option to subscribe to ALL valid service catagories*/
enum {
kMaxNumServiceCategories = 20 /* ***†should be in DFM.h ****/
Event definition:
If kDevNSoftRequestMask is set in conjunction with an event value,
then a soft request is indicated, and the DevN will handle all the
drudgery associated with two-way transactions, etc.
(e.g. If (kDevNRemoved and kDevNSoftRequestMask) is received, it's
a soft eject request)
If kDevNSoftRequestMask is NOT set, then it's a hard request
If the kDevNWarningMask is set, then it's an event warning that
a given event is about to happen (and the consumer can't do a thing
about it). It will be followed later on by a gone hard event.
the kDevNWarningMask and the kDevNSoftRequestMask can NOT be set at
the same time.
typedef UInt32 DevNEventType;
pre-defined event mask
definition of valid global event
(10/11/95) Events are now enum instead of masks
enum for "unsigned" values
enum {
kDevNSoftRequestMask = 0x80000000, /* bit indicating soft request*/
kDevNWarningMask = 0x40000000, /* bit indicating a warning request*/
kDevNAdded = 0, /* New device/media/bus available*/
kDevNRemoved = 1, /* Existing device/media/bus now gone*/
kDevNWakeup = 2, /* Plug-in sw state no longer needs synchronization*/
kDevNSleep = 3, /* Ask to synchronize SOFTWARE state of plug-in*/
/* ...used by PowerMgr, DriverReplacer, Soft Dev Eject*/
kDevNBootComplete = 4, /* used by motherboard expert to inform DFM boot complete*/
kDevNIOInitComplete = 5, /* I/O system initialize complete*/
kDevNNumOfPredefinedEvtInUse = 6,
kDevNHighestEvtInUse = 5
/* enum for "signed" values*/
enum {
kDevNSoftEject = 0x80000001 /* (kDevNRemoved | kDevNSoftRequestMask)*/
Routine return value definition
typedef UInt32 DevNPermissionResponse;
/* status returned by consumer to DevN*/
enum {
kDevNPermissionGranted = 0, /* consumer consented that instant removal of*/
/* node is OK */
kDevNPermissionDelayed = 1, /* can not grant permission now, will inform producer through .*/
/* DevN at a later time (ignored by the DevN if hard request) */
kDevNPermissionDenied = 2, /* do Not allow requested event to take place*/
/* (ignored by the DevN if hard request)*/
kDevNValidPermissionMasks = 3
Error code definition
enum {
kDevNMErrorCodeBase = 0,
kInvalidSC = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 1, /* subscribe with invalid Service Category code*/
kInvalidEvent = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 2, /* subscribe with invalid event mask (zero)*/
kInvalidHandler = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 3, /* subscribe with NULL handler address*/
kNoSuchRef = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 4, /* Specified ID can not be found*/
kRecordNotFound = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 5, /* while unregistering, can not find record in array*/
kNotEnoughEventMask = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 6, /* not enough masks for DevNMCreateNewEvent call*/
kDeleteInvalidMasks = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 7, /* attempt to DevNMDeleteNewEvent on invalid event masks*/
kInvalidEventCount = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 8, /* invalid event count parameter being passed in*/
kInvalidPermission = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 9, /* bad permission returned from consumer*/
kTokenNotFound = kDevNMErrorCodeBase + 10 /* sub record lookup list token not found*/
Subroutine Prototype
no more handlers
called by consumer
extern OSStatus DevNRegisterInterestIn(OSType myFamily, ItemCount eventCount, DevNEventType *events, ObjectID adminMessageObj, DevNRef *thisRegistration, void *parm);
extern OSStatus DevNUnregisterInterest(DevNRef thisID);
extern OSStatus DevNMCreateNewEvent(DevNEventType *result);
call to register family defined events.
itemCount specifies how many events are desired
(Only create one event at a time)
extern OSStatus DevNMDeleteNewEvent(DevNEventType event);
/* de-register the given event*/
extern OSStatus DevNDelayedDownwardNotify(DevNRef notifyRef, DevNRef subscriptionRef, DevNPermissionResponse permission);
must be called after an kDevNPermissionDelayed is returned to the DevN
for a notification response.
called by producer
extern DevNPermissionResponse DevNNotifyThatThisChanged(OSType whichServiceCategory, DevNEventType whatHappened, RegEntryRef *whichDevice, ObjectID adminMessageObj, DevNRef *notRef, void *parm);
extern DevNPermissionResponse DevNNotifyEvents(DevNEventType whatHappened, RegEntryRef *whichDevice, ObjectID adminMessageObj, DevNRef *notRef, void *parm);
Notification Message definitions
struct DevNMessage {
UInt32 AdminMessageType;
UInt32 subMessageType;
OSType serviceCategory;
DevNEventType event;
RegEntryRef * device;
void * parm;
DevNRef notRef;
DevNPermissionResponse returnPermission;
typedef struct DevNMessage DevNMessage;
Device Notification sub-message types.
(This is in the "subMessageType" field inside
The DevNMessage structure)
enum {
kDevNNotifyMsg = 0x01,
kDevNNotifyCancel = 0x02,
kDevNNotifyDelayedReply = 0x03,
kNextUnusedMsg = 0x04
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __DEVICENOTIFY__ */